Getting a higher than normal water bill can be stunning at first. If the reason for the high bill can not be pin pointed immediately it can be frustrating. The plumber checks water leaks in the house and around the property and finds nothing. You request the water utility come out to your home to check the water meter for any sign of a leak and re-read the water meter to check for accuracy, but no issues have been found. A natural reaction would be to request a new water meter. Your current water meter must be over registering your water usage, right? Before you make that request to your water utility, be aware of what you are asking for.

Older water meters run Slower over time
Older residential water meters are mechanical devices that have moving parts and tiny gears. The moving parts and gears move as water passes through the body of the water water meter. As the gears turn they move the numbers on the face of the water meter, like a car speedometer registers your mileage. These numbers are what the water meter reader from your water utility reads to determine your usage and thus your water bill. Over time the teeth of these gears and moving parts tend to wear out or even break off because of constant water flow. This causes the meters to under register. Most consumers are shocked to find that their bill permanently increases after a new water meter is installed. As always there are exceptions. Most water operators do have a story of that unicorn water meter that was tested and over registered. Like most unicorn stories, if you dig in enough you find that the water operator didn’t see the actual meter but heard from their coworker who was told by another coworker that a water meter over registered. Chances are, your water meter is not that unicorn water meter.

New water meters are more accurate and smarter
Technology has caught up with the world of metering water usage. Water meters that once used mechanical parts and gears are now using radio waves and high tech impellers to more accurately measure water use. Also, smart meters are taking over that can relay your water meter reading directly to the water utility in real time and notify the water district of any irregular use in real time. The use of smart meters is a concern for some and exciting to others. You can always call your water utility and discuss the pros and cons of these smart water meters and decide what is best for you.
Your water meter will eventually be replaced
Water meters are the cash registers of a water utility. The water district does not want to leave something in the ground that is not measuring every ounce of water that is used. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) suggest that water utilities change out water meters every 10 years. Most water utilities do attempt to meet this standard. But with meter cost, labor cost, and time don’t be surprised if your water meter has been in the ground longer than 10 years.
You could have used the water
Consider that yourself or someone else used the water and that is why you received the high water bill. Maybe a hose was mistakenly left on overnight. Maybe your irrigation is running more than usual. Maybe you had a guest over that was taken long showers or baths and you didn’t realize it would show up on your water. If your water bill was only high for one billing cycle and returns to normal usage in the next billing cycle, then it might be best just to pay the bill and keep an eye on future water bills. Eventually your water meter will be replaced. Enjoy the lower cost of your water while you can. Don’t request a new water meter unless you are certain your water meter is that unicorn water meter that is over registering.
Bonus Water Nugget!
Most water utilities will test your water meter for accuracy at your request. If your meter is over registering water usage (more than 1.5%) you may be reimbursed. If your water meter is under registering, your water meter will be replaced and you can expect a higher water bill from that day on.

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